HelpDesk::Online Scripting Tool (General)

Target: JavaScript

This is a brief documentation for Online Scripting Tool (3DGB Extension).



Container (map) for the libraries that are currently in use by this tool. Could be managed by such functions as include, override_include.
See also: show_libs



Standard output function. It prints content in current output textarea however it could be easely overwritten in a convenient for user way. For example, to use console of you web-browser:

function print(value)


Clear screen function. It erases all the content accumulated in current output textarea. We recommend before writing any script include this command as it is possible to mix output from previous and current experiment.
That is:

print("Experiment : SNP-Disease association :: 7.51pm");
include("snp_disease_association", "....");

include(lib_name, lib_url)

Include 3rd party libraries to simplify processing or manipulation data. Initially our tool includes jQuery.
User may want to include own library. To do so:

var filepath = "/Users/***/Documents/Javscript/3DGB/CustomizedLibs/make_me_happy.js";
include("myLibrary", "file://" + filepath);

Return value: true in case of success, false otherwise.

See also: show_libs, override_inclide

override_include(lib_name, lib_url)

Overwrite 3rd party libraries with another one to simplify processing or manipulation data. It could be another version or even completely different library. Initially our tool includes jQuery.
To overwrite your previous library (for example, "myLibrary"):

var new_filepath = "/Users/***/Documents/Javscript/3DGB/CustomizedLibs/make_me_REALLY_happy.js";
include("myLibrary", "file://" + new_filepath);

Return value: true in case of success, false otherwise.

See also: show_libs, inclide


Prints all the libraries that are currently in use (only given names). These names are only identifiers and not used as a prefix for particular function. Abstract example of this function could be:


with output:


Return value: true in case of success, false otherwise.

See also: print