
Target: Just a simple description

HelpDesk is a service for extending the API documentation. It is also planned as a full scale helpdesk service, however at this moment it is limited by documentation (mostly for scripts and services for 3D Genome Brwoser).
We also accept custom made scripts to be added to our open source library. It may help people to extend our knowledge about human genome and not only.

You can send us your scripts with description of each function that any other user can use. To simplify and to speed up apearing of your script in our HelpDesk section, send us your documentation in the JSON format as in the following example

    "package" : "myPackage",
    "functions" : [
        {"name" : "print", "function" : "print(value)", "description" : "Prints value into standard output (web browser's console)", "example" : "print('Experiment 1');"},
        {"name" : "include", "function" : "include(lib_name, lib_url)", "description" : "Includes 3rd party library, makes it functions callable", "example" : "include('myLibrary', 'file:///Users/***/Documents/JavaScript/myLibrary_v1.22.js')"}

Please, make sure that format of your "JSON" documentation is valid. You can use or any other available tool.

Please, contact us in case of any questions or suggestions.