HelpDesk::Access Data From 3DGB

Target: JavaScript

Author: Alexander Butyaev

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This is a brief description of General functions for accessing data from 3D Genome Browser Database.

3D structures for specific models

vars.get_JSON_3D_Query(x_begin, x_end, y_begin, y_end, z_begin, z_end, is_normal, callBackCustomFunction)

This method retrieves information about 3D structure within 3D neighbourhood (cubic area) of specific model (described by isNormal and chr parameters). Also executes callBackCustomFunction function with data argument.
Example could be:

vars.get_JSON_3D_Query(2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, true, 19, function (data) {print(data);} );

Fill the following fields to have an appropriate example of the command.

Get 3D structure for cubic area in range X: from to , Y: from to , Z: from to , using healthy, leukemia or simulated cell data, for chromosome .


Information about nucleotides

vars.get_JSON_Nucleotides_List_Query(chromosome, start_position, end_poisition, callBackCustomFunction)

Retrieves a list of nucleotides for specified range within particular chromosome and execute callBackCustomFunction function with data argument.
Example could be:

vars.get_JSON_Nucleotides_List_Query(1, 59146954, 59148000, function (data) {print(data);});

Fill the following fields to have an appropriate example of the URL.

Get Nucleotide data for chromosome in range(positions) from to .


SNPs Information

vars.get_JSON_SNPs_in_Range_Query(chr, start_position, end_position, callBackCustomFunction)

Retrieves information about SNPs: an array of arrays with [SNP Position, SNP_ID(w/o 'rs'), allele_1, allele_2] for defined range within particular chromosome and execute callBackCustomFunction function with data argument to process it.
Example could be:

vars.get_JSON_SNPs_in_Range_Query(1, 59146954, 59148000, function (data) {print(data);});

Fill the following fields to have an appropriate example of the URL.

Get SNPs information data for chromosome in range(positions) from to .


ChIP-Sequencing Experiments data

vars.get_JSON_ChIP_SEQ_For_Spec_Cell_Line_in_Range_Query(chr, start_position, end_position, cell_line, callBackCustomFunction)

Retrieves information about ChIP-Sequenciong experiment data: an array of arrays with [chromosome, TF's begin position, TF's end, TF ID, cellines with current TF, SNPs information (@reference to vars.get_JSON_SNPs_in_Range_Query function)] for defined range within particular chromosome for particular cell line and execute callBackCustomFunction function with data argument to process it. (TF means Transcription Factor).
Example could be:

vars.get_JSON_ChIP_SEQ_For_Spec_Cell_Line_in_Range_Query(1, 59146954, 59160000,K562, function (data) {print(data);});

Fill the following fields to have an appropriate example of the URL.

Get ChIP-Sequencing data for chromosome in range(positions) from to for specific Cell Line


Determining single nucleotide 3D coordinate

vars.get_JSON_Closest_Point_To_Current_Pos_Query(chromosome, bp_position, is_normal, callBackCustomFunction)

Retrieves information about closest point to specific base (position) within particular chromosome which exists in 3D Genome Browser Database for specific model (described by isNormal and chr parameters). Also executes callBackCustomFunction function with data argument to process it.
Example could be:

vars.get_JSON_Closest_Point_To_Current_Pos_Query(1, 59146954, true, function (data) {print(data);});

Fill the following fields to have an appropriate example of the URL.

Find the closest point in 3DGB database to the point on chromosome position ;
using healthy, leukemia or simulated cell data
